viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009

Ejercicios - 02/02/09 - 2ª Evaluación - Pág 48

3. Comple the sentences with the comparative form and than.

1. Lawyers are usually richer than chefs.
2. Being a firefighter is more dangerous than being a sider.
3. A vet's job is easier than an architect's job.
4. For a football team, a grat coach is more important than a great player.
5. A flight anttendant's job is more interesting than a tour guide.
6. A chef's life is better than a plumber's life.

4. Give your opinions. Use the superlative form.

1. I think the best singer in the world is ____.
2. I think the most dangerous job in the world is ___.
3. I think the most interesting school subject is ____.
4. I think the worst song in the world is ____ .
5. I think the ugliest town in Spain is ____.
6. I think the most attractive person in the world is ____.

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