viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Ejercicios - 10/03/09 - 2ª Evaluación - Pág. 53, 55

Pág. 53
Global Issues:

1. Match the words in the box with the pictures (1-7). Which global issues aren't illustrated?

- The arms trade: industria armamentística.
- Child labour: trabajo infantil.
- Disease: enfermedad. (2)
- Endangered animals: animales en peligro de extinción. (6)
- Famine: hambruna. (4)
- Global warming: calentamiento global.
- Homelessness: falta de vivienda, sin casa. (1)
- Pollution: contaminación. (5)
- Racism: racismo.
- War: guerra. (7)

Pág. 55

3. Real English. Find the equivalents for these sentences in the story. Translate them.

- Don't panic -> Calm down -> Cálmate.
- She really wanted to leave -> She couldn't wait to leave -> No podía esperar para salir.
- Go and bring them here! -> Go and get them -> Ve y traelos.
- Certainly not! -> No way -> Ni hablar.

4. Real English. Rewrite the underlined words with expressions from exercise 3.

1. 'i'm going to fail my exam!' 'Calm down. You'll do better than you think.'
2. I was really tired. I couldn't wait to go to bed.
3. I left my keys on the table. Can you go and get them, please?
4. 'Go and tidy your room!' 'No way!'

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